Orcas in the wild.

Seeing Orcas cruise through the waters of Southeast Alaska is an absolute treat for me. To be able to see them in the wild, carefree and thriving brings such joy - a joy that I would like to share with you! Below you will see videos from my encounters with these incredible orcas.

Tips for taking photographs of Orcas.

In this Wandering with Whales interview episode, I chat with Captain Andrew to learn more about his photography tips and techniques for photographing Orcas.


Orca Breaths.

I thoroughly enjoy hearing Orcas exhale and inhale when we are cruising the waterways of Southeast Alaska. On super calm days when there’s little wind or waves, you can hear an Orcas blow from miles away. Experience the sound through these two videos below!


Orca Speed.

Quick video showing Orcas cruising through the Lynn Canal (right outside of Juneau, Alaska) on a breezy day.

Breath Out.

Three Orcas coming up for oxygen in succession right next to the other one. Beautiful moment in the Lynn Canal.

